Well... not finished, finished. But other than watering and harvesting - there is nothing else to do but watch it grow.
I will admit - I am a bit emotional tonight. So I don't get too corny - I'll just show you!
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Kena's Garden 2012 |
This is it - in it's entirety. It was hard work - took WAY longer than normal. I get that. BUT I can't work as fast as other people. At least not THIS year. Next year, watch out though! I'm gonna be a growing queen!
Evan's growum's boxes. Not as great as we thought - they are SLOW growing and really - three tries just to get things sprouting - BUT next year, we will get him some growbox nutrient patches and he can grow what he likes without failure!
The HERB portion of the tour. Spearmint, peppermint, chocolate mint, Greek oregano, Italian flat parsley, lemon thyme, thyme, sage, basil, rosemary!! Oh! and a TON of green onions, though technically NOT an herb but tops everything I cook anyway! hahaha
My Meyer Lemon tree and the Lavender - which has gone a little nuts to be sure!
There are at least 20 lemons on the tree - I can't wait til the first one is ripe and I can make myself a glass of lemonade!!
Those are 4 cucumber plants on the other side of the lavender. They have plenty of room to grow - but I'm toying with the idea of having them grow UP. We shall see!
Peppers! Peppers! Who's got some peppers? We have three Jalapeno plants, one sweet bell pepper and one cayenne plant. All very healthy and blossoming/fruiting better than ever!

This is Section "B" - as in Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts & Beets! Muahahaha - Oh there are two cabbage plants hidden in there too - but Shhh! don't tell them! They think they are named Babbages! I just never thought to correct them and now don't want them getting a complex :-P
CORN! the corn finally decided it wanted to grow...and now I have three growboxes AND a planter full!! 34 plants total!! Holy Moly! Gonna be LOTS!
The tub-o-carrots ended up having this weird thing happen where all the carrots moved themselves over little by little to one side - not sure HOW that happened tbh - but it left half the tub without plantage. I decided it was the perfect place to put the 4 undersized corn plants - to see if they would grow anymore.
Lettuce... my BANE this year! I finally get some growing and we get a little devil in the greenhouse that EATS the tops off of them! The spinach only had ONE entire seed out of 24 that sprouted (insert a WTF here!) so I took the opportunity today to re-sow a mix of greens. I swear I'm going to put a car alarm on that planter this time!! We'll see if it helps!

The tomato plants are growing well - I THINK. The Early Girl keeps growing taller - and I swear, in just a few days, she has gone up another foot! well over 6 feet, maybe even 7 by now! The Roma plant is doing well and has some tomatoes on it. I'm hoping that now that they are outside and not locked up in the greenhouse, we will have more tomatoes on them soon. Disappointingly - all are still small and very green and I have maybe enough for one pot of spaghetti sauce. Let's hope they just shoot up!
That newly planted growbox to the right of the tomatoes are beans and peas. We shall see how they do!
And now...

The greenhouses are empty. Nothing but empty pots and a half filled bag of potting soil. I'll be boxing all that up and storing the seeds in a couple of days. The wonderful greenhouses have done their job for the year and will be taken down and boxed up for next year.
We are about at the end of the tour. I'm now toying with the idea of actually buying a patio set to replace my camp chairs and broken down umbrella. But even without 'official' garden furniture - I swear - I have never been more at peace than this afternoon when I sat down in that old chair, took a drink of water and looked over at all my hard work and the beauty (and food) that nature and nurture is providing us.
NOW - we water and we wait - to harvest and to eat.
Blessings to you all!! It ain't easy being green!