Friday, June 15, 2012

Today's Work

Before I get into what I did today - I want to take a minute to boast a bit *huge grin* I love walking into GH1 and looking over at my dwarf lemon tree! There are SOOO many lemons on it right now - I am just amazed and delighted!! Take a look! Isn't it glorious?!?!

The largest of the lemon babies is about an inch long - about the size of a grape. MAN I can't wait til the first harvest. I realize it wont be for another 7 months or so - and by that time the tree will be back inside - but WoW I'll have lemons forever!! hahahaha

Okay, okay - hehe back to work *snicker* 

Decided to make a second growbox of corn and started those today. I went into GH1 to take a pic of it for the blog but stood back and looked at how much everything else is growing and just decided to take a complete shot - WoW - right?? LOL The Early Girl tomato plant is about taller than me making it 5'6" or more!! The Roma plant next to it is nice-sized as well! I just LOVE walking into this GH and being surrounded by such beautiful growth LOL Makes me HAPPY!

GreenHouse 1

Spinach & Lettuce
I also (because of advice from the best 'hoes' I know from our FB group, The Garden Hoes) decided to try again on the spinach and lettuce. I had a wild beastie come into the GH over night and eat all my poor spinach seedlings! And the NIGHT before they were to be transplanted into a growbox - the nerve of that evil mouse or whatever it was! Anyway - I'm hoping seeding directly to a growbox will help and speed up growth a bit *crosses fingers*

That little lone lettuce in the back is the ONLY survivor of the Lettuce Plague of 2012 wherein aphids and a poorly executed organic "solution" murdered them all.

And finally - (I got too tired to help him do the second one today but will tomorrow) The first of my son's TWO Growums Boxes!! This one is the Salad tray - we added beets to it though since we already have a ton of Roma tomatoes growing LOL We will transplant the pizza tray tomorrow. We are still waiting on the peppers to sprout - but we had a bum bag of seeds. The company is SO awesome though - they sent him 4 new bags of them - which I think will be enough to last years!! hahaha I'm glad he likes them!

Tomorrow will bring the transplanting of Evan's "Pizza" Growum's tray as well as transplanting of some herbs and veggies into growboxes. I also need to get some peas and beans started - I've had such a horrible time getting these bigger seeds to sprout in the smaller trays so I'm giving up completely and just planting them directly into growboxes. Crossing fingers and praying to the Garden Goddess for success!!

So - Keep a smile on your face - even the worst days are better when you look in the greenhouse :-D Until tomorrow!!

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