Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Getting Ready!!!!

Okay this first picture is actually to show off my first tomato baby :-P I had to!!

Okay now for the big news: My babies are all almost ready to transplant into the GrowBoxes!!! YES! I said it! THIS weekend will be filled with DIRT and Transplanting!!

I started a bunch of seeds in my Aerogarden back on May 8th. Well they've all been growing so well that I ended up moving the four Grand Rapids Leaf Lettuce and twoof the larger Black Seeded Simpson Lettuces over to the smaller AeroGarden because they were shadowing everything else! hehe Growing SOOO big so fast!

Here is the 6 pods out on the porch "hardening" to the weather so they can be transplanted into the soil! You have to harden the roots on hydroponically grown plants before transplanting so they are strong enough to live in the dirt. MAJOR change in bedroom decor!! :-P

I've also got one of the Tomatillo plants (seeds courtesy of Joseph) that totally outgrew the Aerogarden in three days! I kid you not!! haha I had to transplant it after only 2 weeks! It's already almost 8 inches tall!

Here is the bog Aerogarden filled with all sorts of babies!! Let's see... beets, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, green onions, spinach, tomatillos, romaine lettuce, black simpson lettuce, buttercrunch lettuce, german chamomile and some dark opal purple basil!

Some seeds didn't sprout and some things didn't grow well - but that is why we plant MORE than what we need!!

I'll post more pics this weekend as we transplant all these babies!

Keep it green!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

I Feel SO Spoiled!!!

Sooo... I had written a post to the The Garden Patch's facebook wall just raving about the new covers they made. They are SOOO much better than the ones that came with the GBs I got in March for my birthday (♥ Thank You, Joseph ♥)!! They changed the fabric and just WoW!!! no more curling, no more fraying, etc.

Well in that comment, I sent a link to this blog so they could SEE the difference between them - because I wanted them to know that someone noticed and was SUPER happy about the change they made! ♥

WELL!!! I just woke from a nap (I'm sick today with fever) to see an email from them - an order processing email!!!! They are sending me THREE new FREE Nutrient patches!!! I seriously cannot tell you how much I love this product OR these wonderful people! Their customer service is so awesome to begin with - they talk to you like family when you call.

I mean, I KNOW you've seen the difference in growth of the plants I have in the grow boxes, so you KNOW how awesome they are - and I know I go on and on and on about them :-P But there IS a reason!! hahaha

Here is a link to their Facebook page: GrowBox by The Garden Patch

Here is a link to their wonderful site:

Seriously, Their product is the same price, if not cheaper than buying a regular contain or the same size, even from Walmart. But when you get The Grown Box, you get the nutrient patch top and the greatest customer service ever. It's worth the money.

Okay - Enough ranting and drooling about my favorite product for now!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Update on the Garden

I woke this morning and was looking at older pictures (from only 10 days ago!!) and noticed the HUGE growth that has happened in the last ten days!!! WoW!! HAD to share!!! So this is just a picture post :-P Enjoy the greenage!!!



Sweet Bell Peppers and baby Jalapenos

Tomatoes!!!! Twice their size in only 10 days! WoW!!!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Another Transplant Day

Cilantro (6) - Planted 5//////16/2012

I've been doing so many little things that I've neglected this blog - I do apologize. It's just that other than sowing seeds and waiting for things to pop up, I've not had much to do. Until today, that is.

Beans (3ea) - P5/8 Tr5/18
I've been transplanting today. Lots of things from flat trays into deeper trays. Seems silly, I know, but until they are big enough for the grow boxes, I want to give them special attention.

Watermelon (2) - P5/8 Tr5/18

CORN!! Yup Here is where I start bouncing up and down in my seat! My corn sprouted. And now it's time to put GB#3 into USE! Woo Hoo!!

Corn Sprouts (10)

Grow Box #3 - Sweet Corn

Hello Baby!!!!

And THEN, as I was stacking up the empty GBs - I found THIS little guy. I put him into the pepper GB#2 Not sure where he is now though - but I think HE is the one keeping my greenhouses free of bugs :-D

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's the little things...

... here and there that keep it going.

Other than watering and checking on growth, I've not had to do much.

Until today: I transplanted the 'Tiny Tim' cherry tomatoes s on May 14th. I got these tubs at the dollar tree and drilled some holes in the bottom of them. They are about 12 inches across. Pretty cool for smaller plants. I plan on putting herbs them them once these tomatoes go into their normal pots.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Shelves and More Grow Boxes

Okay - I decided it was time to get everything together. I've gotten the ten GrowBoxes (plus the three Joby bought for me) for thirteen total. I bough lumber and have a total of 16 cinder blocks. I had to do some cutting with my circular saw, but after that, we did THIS:

So for now, since everything is still in seedling stage, I've got only GH1 set up with plants. Once the seedlings are big enough to be transplanted, the greenhouses will look a bit like this:

GH #2 will have 7 grow boxes in it as well as the tub of carrots. I can't wait til transplant time!!!